Fondé en 1965, Liedekerke est l'un des plus grands cabinets d'avocats indépendants de Belgique avec plus de 130 avocats et 60 collaborateurs.
Notre cabinet est reconnu pour son esprit d'innovation et son expertise juridique. Nous sommes un cabinet d'avocats d'affaires "full service". Dans notre métier, la qualité du service est essentielle, et elle dépend avant tout de ceux qui en sont responsables. Liedekerke accorde une attention particulière à la valeur de ses collaborateurs. Combiner les bonnes compétences et l'expérience individuelle au bon poste est la clé d'un service irréprochable.
Liedekerke boasts an elite public and administrative law practice providing the highest level of advisory and litigation services. It covers all of Belgium’s federal and regional entities thanks to its truly culturally diverse, multilingual teams.
Our regulatory practitioners are experts in public institutions and services as well as in the various areas of economic regulation, assisting both private and public sector entities. We are particularly recognised for our skills in environmental, zoning and planning, energy and public procurement regulations. Our lawyers have a strong affinity with our clients, are familiar with their activities and attentive to their concerns. They have extensive knowhow and think strategically.
Apart from our team’s autonomous expertise (a.o. in litigation practice), our public and administrative law practitioners seamlessly join forces with the firm’s other practices especially on M&A and real estate transactions.
For questions about this vacancy, please contact Leïla Mourali, HR Legal Manager, at