Legal Directory: C

Do you need to find a list of lawyers in Belgium, a specific law firm in Brussels or a law firm elsewhere in Belgium? The LexGO Belgian law firm listing, conveniently presented in alphabetical order, is for you!

For each law firm listed, we provide detailed information, including its functions, employee count, main practice areas and region of operation. Contact details, job opportunities, awards, news and articles are also featured, making this a truly comprehensive resource!

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Law Firms

109 Cabinet d'avocats
It was in 2004 when Maître Giangiulio and Maître Bodson, collaborators of large law firms that wish to develop another type of relationship with their clients, decided to join forces. They can also count on the long experience of Maître MAR…
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Cabinet David
Cabinet DAVID is a specialised law firm with a high reputation in international tax matters and cross border estate and tax planning. We pride ourselves in offering our international clientele qualitative legal services that are focuse…
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Cabinet d’Avocats du Quartier des Libertés
Le Cabinet d’Avocats du Quartier des Libertés est situé au cœur du Quartier des Libertés : à quelques pas de la Place de la Liberté, croisement de la rue de la Presse, de la rue de l’Enseignement, de la rue de l’Association et de la rue des…
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Cabinet Dodo Chochitaichvili
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L'expérience au service des clients Maître Nathalie Van den Bossche est avocat au barreau de Bruxelles depuis 1997. Son activité est centrée principalement sur le droit de la famille. Elle traite de tous les contentieux familiaux: procédure…
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Cadanz is a Brussels based independent law firm specialized in corporate and commercial law. It was founded in 2008 by lawyers previously practicing at some of Belgium’s most prominent business law firms. Cadanz is an entrepreneurial firm w…
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Cairn Legal
CAIRN LEGAL est un cabinet spécialisé en droit des affaires (droit commercial, droit des sociétés, droit bancaire, droit immobilier, droit social, IT/IP …) situé à Bruxelles.
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Callens Advocatenkantoor
Law firm Callens helps you to function with legal certainty within our complex healthcare system. Either as a healthcare provider, a supplier of medicines, products or services or as an investor, you can rely on our legal expertise in Europ…
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Caluwaerts Uytterhoeven
Caluwaerts Uytterhoeven Advocaten is een middelgroot Belgisch advocatenkantoor met vestigingen in Antwerpen en Brussel. Sinds de oprichting in 2001 heeft het kantoor een voortdurende groei gekend en advies verleend aan een toenemende lijst …
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Cambrian is a visionary law firm for entrepreneurs, companies and investors at the leading edge of the innovation economy. At Cambrian, we see our clients as partners. Whether you have been with us for days or decades, whether you are today…
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Cambrian - Lawyers
Cambrian is a visionary law firm for entrepreneurs, companies and investors at the leading edge of the innovation economy. They are smart and entrepreneurial professionals that aim to be the counselors, advocates and strategists for today’s…
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Caprasse Arbitration
Specializing in arbitration law, Olivier Caprasse also practises in the field of business law and particularly corporate law.
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Carpentier & Thomas
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Casa Legal
Casa Legal is de eerste vzw van advocaten in België. De advocaten van de vereniging delen de wens om deel te nemen aan een positieve maatschappelijke verandering door een alternatieve manier van rechtsprakijk voor te stellen.  We will…
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Casteleyn Advocaten
Van een muzikale carrière naar de advocatuur. “Da’s een carrièreswitch die kan tellen”, zeggen mensen dan. En toch, muziek en advocatuur hebben meer raakvlakken dan je zou denken.  ‍ Specialiseren: blijven studeren, stee…
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Castiaux & Boonen
Le cabinet d'avocats CASTIAUX-BOONEN a été créé en 1999 par l'association des cabinets de Juan Castiaux et de Stéphane Boonen. Il s'est implanté dans le sud de Bruxelles, à la limite des communes d'Uccle et Forest, au numéro 228 de l'avenu…
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Cazimir is a special law firm due to its unique focus on the private individual and his assets. Together with family and friends, a person’s assets form the foundation of his life. Family and friends deserve the very best there is, both dur…
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C&D LAW is een nieuw onafhankelijk advocatenkantoor, gespecialiseerd in fiscaal recht, opgericht eind 2022 op initiatief van Jonathan CHAZKAL en Mélanie DAUBE. Jonathan CHAZKAL en Mélanie DAUBE zijn al lang vennoten en stellen hun gezam…
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Célès : une société d'avocats à taille humaine qui conseille et défend ses clients. Célès est une société d'avocats, implantée à Louvain-la-Neuve et à Bruxelles. C'est une équipe multidisciplinaire qui conseille les entreprises et les parti…
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Celis & Partners
Het Diestse advocatenkantoor CELIS & Partners stoelt op meer dan 35 jaar ervaring. Het kantoor bestaat uit een team van ervaren en dynamische advocaten ondersteund door administratieve medewerkers.
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Notre équipe d’avocats a développé une pratique à la pointe du marché.  Chaque avocat de Centrius s’est spécialisé dans une ou plusieurs matières, avec passion et excellence. Notre clientèle est large et diversifiée (start-up, entrepri…
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CEPA Advocaten
CEPA staat voor: Cliënt, Engagement en Professioneel Advies.Advocaten Ilse de Jongh, Peter Van Der Eecken en Jan Wesemael kennen elkaar al jaren zeer goed, zowel professioneel als persoonlijk. Vanuit die professionele en persoonlijke vriend…
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CEW & Partners
CEW & Partners is an association of approximately 20 lawyers providing the full range of services required by public and private companies and individuals, such as consultation, negotiation, mediation or legal representation.
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CGK Advocaten
CGK Advocaten is een no-nonsense advocatenkantoor in het centrum van Antwerpen, met specialisatie in verschillende rechtstakken zoals algemeen burgerlijk en commercieel recht, nl. incasso, vastgoed, vennootschappen, insolventie, personen- e…
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Chantal Lenoir
Cabinet à vocation généraliste Droit civil en général et droit pénal.
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Charlier & Partners
Wij investeren voortdurend in de verhoging van onze kennis en serviceniveau om een zo groot mogelijke toegevoegde waarde te bieden.
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Cherchi & Partners
The Cherchi & Partners European Law office has been able since the 1990s, under the auspices of its Belgian and Italian-trained founder, Mariapaola Cherchi, to observe the changes in the way justice and the law is executed across the Eu…
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Christoffels Neven Claessens
MEESTERS IN HET WOORD MEESTERS VAN HUN WOORD Wij behartigen uw juridische problemen. Wij zijn een polyvalent kantoor dat oplossingen biedt in diverse gebieden van het recht. Het kantoor verleent een "allround" service aan ondernemingen…
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Joris Gebruers is sinds 2008 actief als advocaat. In 2020 richtte hij advocatenkantoor Circulex op. Het kantoor biedt juridische dienstverlening aan in alle domeinen van het omgevingsrecht, het bestuursrecht en het vastgoedrecht.
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Claes Lehmann Milde
Practitioners • Our firm consists of labour law practitioners who have decided to combine their knowledge and experience, acquired over twenty years as lawyers specialised in diverse but no less numerous subjects that come under social law …
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Claeys & Engels
At Claeys & Engels, we offer a full range of legal services in all areas concerning human resources. We like to think that what sets us apart is how we partner with our clients and accomplish results that matter to our client's business…
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Clayton & Segura
Clayton & Segura is a newly established Brussels-based law firm specialised in the field of state aid. Its partners are lawyers with more than ten years’ experience in state aid at the European Commission, the EFTA Surveillance Authorit…
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Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Cleary Gottlieb is recognized as one of the leading international law firms, with over 1,300 lawyers in 16 offices worldwide. Our Brussels office has a widely acclaimed antitrust and corporate practice that spans all areas of national and i…
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Clerens Legal Partner
CLP ( is een Belgisch advocatenkantoor met vestigingen in Brussel en Knokke. Wij bieden een gepersonaliseerde juridische dienstverlening aan aan kleine, middelgrote en grote ondernemingen, dewelke actief zijn in u…
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Clifford Chance LLP
Clifford Chance has been established in Belgium for over 50 years, with a market-leading reputation that is built on our ability to handle complex, high-profile and high-stakes transactions for international and local clients alike. We comb…
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Cloet & Partners
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CMS Belgium
CMS is an international law firm with more than 90 lawyers based in Brussels and Antwerp, providing clients with a full range of legal and tax solutions. CMS is an ambitious and growing international organization.  With more than 5,000…
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Founded in 1993 by four lawyers who are still members of it, the Association Cartuyvels – Nolf – Terlinden & Vinçotte has now about twenty members. These lawyers are driven on a friendly spirit of team work. Combining great stability wi…
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Het advocatenkantoor richt zich voornamelijk tot particulieren maar verleent ook juridische ondersteuning aan kleine ondernemingen en zelfstandigen. Het kantoor is voornamelijk gespecialiseerd in het oplossen van geschillen in de familierec…
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Commission - Université Palais
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Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles
La Conférence du jeune barreau a pour objectif le perfectionnement intellectuel et professionnel de ses membres. Elle organise des activités scientifiques, culturelles, sociales, sportives et de détente.
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Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Namur
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ConSenso Advocaten
Bij ConSenso geloven we in een persoonlijke aanpak. Net zoals elke cliënt, is elk dossier anders. Verstaanbaar, bruikbaar juridisch advies en ondersteuning op maat zijn voor ons vanzelfsprekend. We luisteren niet alleen naar uw verhaal, we …
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Consiglio Law
Consiglio Law is a Belgian law firm that focusses mainly on all aspects of business law and related litigation. The law firm strives to be a reliable sparring partner for its clients with a result oriented and no-nonsense approach at compet…
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contrast is een onafhankelijk advocatenkantoor dat in een internationale omgeving topkwaliteit nastreeft in zijn vier praktijkgebieden:‘Mededingingsrecht & EU’, ‘vennootschapsrecht & M&A, ‘commercieel recht’ en ‘conflict managem…
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Advocatenkantoor Coorevits is gevestigd in het centrum van Jabbeke, en heeft daarnaast ook een afdeling te Gent. Advocatenkantoor Coorevits is een all-round advocatenkantoor dat zich richt tot zowel particulieren als ondernemingen. Naast ee…
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Working at Corbus is different. We attach great importance to a challenging and pleasant working environment, allowing you to combine your work with learning. We encourage thinking out of the box and taking initiative. To always go for the…
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Corneille Bastjaens
Philosophie du cabinet : Ecouter, Plaider et vivre en paix et liberté, Etre utile et fidèle, Mériter la confiance témoignée, surtout dans les missions impossibles, Ne pas déléguer les cas difficiles
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Cornelissen Advocaten
The firm provides services and support to companies, authorities and private individuals, in the context of legal advice and the conducting of legal actions. The services offered cover a wide range of fields of law.
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Cossaer & Peeters
Advocatenbureau Cossaer & Peeters zijn reeds actief vanaf 2005 maar Marina Cossaer en Wim Peeters kunnen samen bogen op meer dan 16 jaar ervaring. Daar waar Marina Cossaer voornamelijk gespecialisseerd is in handelsrecht verzekeringen,…
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COTTYN is an independent law firm with many years of expertise and comprehensive know-how in various fields of law.  COTTYN renders an overall business service to companies, public authorities, financial institutions and private p…
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Covington & Burling LLP
Covington & Burling's distinctively collaborative culture allows us to be truly one team globally, drawing on the diverse experience of lawyers and advisors across the firm by seamlessly sharing insight and expertise.  What sets us…
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Cresco Advocaten
Cresco is a future oriented boutique law firm with specialisation in Corporate, Tech & IP, Commercial and Dispute Resolution. They are well known for their hands-on attitude and business-oriented mindset. ‘Driven by Entrepreneurship’ is…
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Crivits & Persyn
Crivits & Persyn was established in 1988 by Rik Crivits & Chris Persyn. More than thirty years on, the firm has a team of more than 35 people, each specializing in particular fields. By working together, we are able to pool our…
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Crosslaw is an independent law firm specialized in business law. Crosslaw was born from the common vision of its founders to create a flexible and lightweight structure that will adapt to the current needs of the economic players. Crosslaw …
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Crowell & Moring
Crowell & Moring LLP is an international law firm with offices in the United States, Europe, MENA, and Asia. Our team of almost 40 lawyers in the Brussels office specializes in Antitrust; IP; International Trade; Litigation & Arbitr…
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Cruyplants Eloy Wagemans & Partners
Founded in 1990, our firm is composed of some thirty lawyers with complementary areas of specialization that cover the whole range of services, including advice, drafting, negotiation, mediation and representation in court, that are needed …
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Curia is a dynamic firm of solicitors, founded in October 2006 by a group of partners from established law firms. Their starting point is the expansion of their existing practices based on a new partnership and an optimal bundling of their …
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Customs Legal
Zonder douane, geen internationale handel. Het douane- en accijnsrecht is een essentiële schakel in uw grensoverschrijdende business. Invoerrechten, antidumpingrechten, accijnzen, invoer of uitvoer: de advocaten van Customs Legalzijn gespec…
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