Actualités et articles

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Jurgen Smits as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Jurgen joins from HEINEKEN International, where he was Global Head of Competi…

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition and Regulatory Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Wilko van Weert as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Wilko specialises in EU competition and regulatory matters, with a pr…

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Eversheds welcomes new partner in Brussels

Eversheds Sutherland has announced the strategic international hire of Marjolein De Backer as a Partner in its Competition, Trade & Foreign Investment practice in Brussels.

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New guidelines for the Belgian rules on foreign direct inves…

Since 1 July 2023, the Belgian rules on the screening of foreign direct inv…

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Franchisors get ready: on 1 September 2024 the new Belgian A…

The Belgian Act on precontractual information obligations in commercial coo…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

EU General Court confirms unlawful tax State aid scheme on Belgian Excess Profit rulings

On 20 September 2023, the General Court released a series of judgments holding that the Belgian excess profit rulings (“EPRs”) qualified as a State ai…

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Eversheds welcomes new partner in Brussels

Eversheds Sutherland has announced the strategic international hire of Marjolein De Backer as a Partner in its Competition, Trade & Foreign Invest…

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Priorities of the Belgian Competition Authority for 2023

The Belgian Competition Authority (the “BCA”) adopted on 30 May 2023 its annual communication setting out its policy priorities for the current year. …

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How to Meet the New Notification Obligations Under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation

As from October 2023, companies receiving financial contributions from third countries will have to report these to the European Commission when engag…

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The Belgian Competition Authority has declared itself competent to examine mergers and acquisitions between ho…

A lot of uncertainty has existed about the requirement for hospitals to notify M&A transactions to the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”). On 2…

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New rules on consumer debt collection in belgium

Are you a company facing unpaid consumer invoices? What are you allowed to do in light of the new Belgian consumer debt collection rules? As of when d…

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Zijn uw retributiereglementen reeds consumentenbescherming-proof?

Met ingang van 1 september 2023 treedt het boek XIX "Schulden van de consument" in het Wetboek van economisch recht in werking. De bepalingen van dit …

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D-Day voor de minnelijke invordering bij consumenten: ontdek hier hoe uw onderneming zich conformeert aan het …

Op vandaag treedt het nieuwe boek XIX van het Wetboek Economisch Recht getiteld “Minnelijke schulden van de Consument” in werking. Een onderneming zal…

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Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld

Companies should be wary of the novel approach taken by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange. A Dutch and a Belg…

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Belgian Competition Authority confirms use of data rooms in merger cases

What’s Cooking? (formerly Ter Beke) announced in October 2021 its plan to acquire Imperial Meat Products VOF, the Belgian and Dutch subsidiary of the …

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Competition Newsflash - July 2023

The Foreign Subsidies Regulation (EU) 2022/2560 (FSR) adopted on 14 December 2022 aims to address the distortions caused by foreign subsidies to the E…

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Deposit for returnable containers - part of the selling price or not?

In a recent case, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) had to consider whether the ‘selling price’ under EU consumer protection rules should include …

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Artificial intelligence and (product) liability

In the age of artificial intelligence (“AI”), many legal questions arise around the compensation for damage caused by defective products. For example,…

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New rules for consumer debt collection starting Sept. 1, 2023

The Act of May 4, 2023, inserting Book XIX "Consumer Debts" into the Belgian Economic Code, B.S. May 23, 2023 aims to update the rules on amicable col…

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The era of FDI screenings kicks off in Belgium

The Belgian screening mechanism for foreign direct investments (FDI) will enter into force on 1 July 2023. The mechanism is designed to safeguard Belg…

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Key changes in Belgian advertising rules: What you need to know if you are active in food, automotive or deter…

Three new or updated advertising codes recently came into force in Belgium, covering food, automotive and detergents sectors in order to face notably …

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European Commission Adopts New Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Horizontal Guidelines

On June 1, 2023, the European Commission published its new block exemption regulations on research and development agreements (R&D BER) and specia…

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Enquête de la Commission européenne sur le projet d’acquisition d’Asiana Airlines par Korean Airlines

Korean Airlines a notifié le 13 janvier 2023 son projet de rachat de Asiana Airlines à la Commission européenne. Le 17 février 2023, la Commission a o…

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Les gendarmes de la concurrence surveillent de près le marché du travail

Les responsables des ressources humaines sont souvent tenus à l'écart des programmes de compliance en droit de la concurrence et des possibilités de f…

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One law to rule them all? The Belgian Exclusive Distribution Act can no longer overrule the law chosen by the …

In a groundbreaking decision, the Belgian Supreme Court recently established that the Belgian Exclusive Distribution Act is not an ‘overriding mandato…

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