
Strelia is based in the heart of Europe, with offices in Brussels and Luxembourg. We are a top tier business law firm, assisting various types of clients (companies, funds, institutions) on their key corporate, commercial, and contentious assignments. Our level of service and high quality of work meets the standards of international firms, but we never compromise on our commitment to and flexibility for our clients, our responsiveness and our cost-effectiveness, which ar…



  • Brussels
  • Commercial
  • Corporate law
  • Civil Law
  • Tax
  • Public & administrative law
  • Real estate
  • Litigation
  • Banking & Finance
  • Intellectual property
  • Insurance law
  • Financial regulatory
  • Wealth management
  • Data protection & privacy
  • Investment funds
  • Employee benefits & pensions
  • Technology, Media, Telecommunications
  • Criminal
  • European Law
  • M&A / Private equity
  • Energy law
  • Competition law
  • Transport law
  • Urban planning and Environmental law
  • Employment & Social Security
  • Medical law, healthcare & life sciences
  • Insolvency and Restructuring
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The New EU Electricity Market Design: The Main Measures for Traders, Electricity Producers and Transmission Sy…

On 13 June 2024, Regulation 2024/1747 and Directive 2024/1711 of the European Parliament and Council were officially adopted. The main purpose of thes…

Nieuwe onrechtmatige bedingen in de voedseldistributiesector

Het Koninklijk Besluit van 20 juni 2024 “tot aanvulling van de lijsten van onrechtmatige bedingen in commerciële samenwerkingsovereenkomsten inzake de…

Elections on June 9, 2024: what about your employees who should normally work on that day?

European, federal and regional parliamentary elections will take place in Belgium on Sunday 9 June 2024. Your company may also be operational on Sunda…