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Lydian Webinar Marketing and GDPR in the New Decade

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Over deze webinar

Direct marketing and (marketing) cookies are attractive to many companies and marketers to target more easily their (future) customers. 

These marketing tools are not new but their regulation is often evolving and more particularly these last months. Indeed, the European Court of Justice, different Data Protection Authorities and especially the Belgian DPA published a recommendation on direct marketing, a FAQ on cookies and pronounced as well a judgment on this topic. The European Data Protection Board published also last week guidelines on consent and cookies wall and scrolling. 

Lydian’s data protection team will discuss this topic by answering the following questions:

  • What are cookies? 
  • What is direct marketing and is marketing through social media direct marketing? 
  • Do the same rules apply to all forms of direct marketing (phone, e-mail, sms…)? 
  • Do the same rules apply to B2B direct marketing and to B2C direct marketing ? 
  • Is consent the only valid legal ground for direct marketing or are legitimate interests also a valid ground? 
  • Opt-in, (soft) opt-in and opt-out – Which system do I have to choose? 
  • Do I need to collect a consent for each kind of cookie? 
  • How to collect a valid consent for cookies ? 
  • What are the possible sanctions for non-compliance?

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