Frahan Blondé

We help organisations, teams and professionals achieve their goals in areas that truly matters.

We work closely with our clients to help them diagnose challenges and aspirations, formulate objectives, stage strategies and follow through to achieve effective results and lasting change.  

We are dedicated to creating high-value, sustainable outcomes.

We believe in the power of long-term, trust-based relationships to create value. Building caring, trusting and productive relationships with our clients is anchored in our core business.

We work across a variety of professions and industries. However, we have an inside-out understanding and experience of the legal sector and the market of liberal professions and partnerships. We know the players, the customs, the culture, the challenges, the threats and the opportunities. That is where we make the difference.  

  • Flemish Brabant
  • Antwerp
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The Real Challenge of Innovation for In-House Lawyers

Innovation is becoming the new mantra among legal departments.  But in what direction should in-house lawyers direct their innovation effort…

Les avocats et l'innovation

Comment penser l’innovation, quand on est avocat ? Il est courant, dans un certain discours managérial, de présenter l’innovation comme une vertu…

Are you creating “Superior Value” for your clients?

Many firms and professionals claim that their fundamental strategic objective is to create superior value for their clients. If you are one …